
Streamline Java Application Deployment: Pack, Ship, and Unlock Distributed Tracing with Elastic APM on Kubernetes

This article was last updated on 2023-11-01, the content may be out of date.

In my last article, I dug into Distributed Tracing and exposed how to enable it in Java applications. We didn’t see yet how to deploy an application on Kubernetes and get distributed tracing insights. Several strategies can be considered, but the main point is how to minimize the impact of deploying APM agents on the whole delivery process.

In this article, I will expose how to ship APM agents for instrumenting Java applications deployed on top of Kubernetes through Docker containers.

To make it clearer, I will illustrate this setup by the following use case:

c4 context diagram

Now, if we dive into the “Wonderful System”, we can see the Wonderful Java application and the agent:

c4 context diagram
Elastic APM vs Grafana/OpenTelemetry

In this article I delve into how to package an Elastic APM agent and enable Distributed Tracing with the Elastic APM suite.

You can do that in the same way with an OpenTelemetry Agent. Furthermore, Elastic APM is compatible with OpenTelemetry.

We can basically implement this architecture in two different ways:

  1. Deploying the agent in all of our Docker images
  2. Deploying the agent asides from the Docker images and using initContainers to bring the agent at the startup of our applications

We will then see how to lose couple application docker images to the apm agent one.

It could be really tempting to put the APM agents in the application’s Docker image.

Why? Because you just have to add the following lines of code in our Docker images definition:


RUN mkdir /opt/agent
COPY ./javaagent.jar /opt/agent/javaagent.jar

Nonetheless, if you want to upgrade your agent, you will have to repackage it and redeploy all your Docker images.

For regular upgrades, it will not bother you, but, if you encounter a bug or a vulnerability, it will be tricky and annoying to do that.

What is why I prefer loose coupling the “business” applications Docker images to technical tools such as APM agents.

While looking around how to achieve this, I came across to the Kubernetes initContainers.

This kind of container is run only once during the startup of every pod. A bunch of commands is ran then on top of it. For our current use case, it will copy the javaagent into a volume such as an empty directory volume.

The main impact is to declare a volume in your Docker image:


VOLUME /opt/agent

It will be used by both the Docker container and the initContainer. We can consider it as a “bridge” between these two ones.

We also have to declare one environment variable: JAVA_OPTS.

For instance:


ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c", "java ${JAVA_OPTS} org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher"]

Il will be used during the deployment to set up our Wonderful Java Application.

Now, let’s build our initContainer’s Docker image.

It is really straightforward. We can use for example, the following configuration:


FROM alpine:latest
RUN mkdir -p /opt/agent_setup
RUN mkdir /opt/agent
COPY ./javaagent.jar /opt/agent_setup/javaagent.jar
VOLUME /opt/agent

We can now set up our Kubernetes Deployment to start the corresponding container and copy the Java agent.


kind: Deployment
  - name: java-app
    image: repo/my-wonderful-java-app:v1
    - mountPath: /opt/agent
      name: apm-agent-volume
  - command:
    - cp
    - /opt/agent_setup/javaagent.jar
    - /opt/agent
    name: apm-agent-init
	image: repo/apm-agent:v1
    - mountPath: /opt/agent
      name: appd-agent-volume
    - name: appd-agent-volume
      emptyDir: {}
Why not just copying the Java agent directly in the initContainer Docker image execution?
The copy must be run with a command specified in the initContainer declaration and cannot be done during the initContainer execution (i.e., specified in its Dockerfile). Why? The volume is mounted just after the initContainer execution and drops the JAR file copied earlier.

Last but not least, we can now configure the pods where we run our Java applications.

We will use the JAVA_OPTS environment variable to configure the location of the Java agent, and the Elastic APM Java system properties.

For instance:


JAVA_OPTS=-javaagent:/opt/agent/javaagent.jar -Delastic.apm.service_name=my-wonderful-application -Delastic.apm.application_packages=org.mywonderfulapp -Delastic.apm.server_url=http://apm:8200

You can then configure your Kubernetes deployment as:


  - name: java-app
    - name: JAVA_OPTS
      value: -javaagent:/opt/agent/javaagent.jar -Delastic.apm.service_name=my-wonderful-application -Delastic.apm.application_packages=org.mywonderfulapp -Delastic.apm.server_url=http://apm:8200

Et voila!

We have seen how to pack and deploy Distributed Tracing java agents and Java Applications built on top of Docker images. Obviously, my technical choice of using an InitContainer can be challenged regarding your technical context and how you are confortable with your delivery practices. You probably noticed I use an emptyDir to deploy the Java agent. Normally it will not be a big deal, but I advise you to check this usage with your Kubernetes SRE/Ops/Administrator first.

Anyway, I think it is worth it and the tradeoffs are more than acceptable because this approach are, in my opinion, more flexible than the first one.

Hope this helps!