Alexandre Touret

My Google Professional Cloud Architect certification journey: insights & pieces of advice

On behalf of the partnership of my current company with Google,I had the opportunity to delve into Google technologies and pass Google’s Professional Cloud Architect certification.

Below, you will find a brief overview of my certification journey and some best practices to successfully pass this certification.

Google recommends having at least 3 years of industry experience and at least 1 year designing and managing solutions on GCP.

Smartly Managing Different Git Profiles

Photo by Firdouss Ross

While fixing the author and email properties for a bunch of existing commits on different repositories, I realised I often forget configuring the good information for both my professional & personal GIT repositories. I particularly skip to specify the good email address of the good GPG signature after checking them out.

Tips & tricks for optimising Spring Data & JPA queries

Picture of Tobias Fischer

When you code enterprise applications on top of the Java Platform, most of the time, you use ORMs to interface them with relational databases. They bring a lot of simplicity which make you forget SQL queries syntax. Furthermore, most of the time, Java developers don’t really care/know what is under the hood of Spring Data and Java Persistence API (JPA) or such a facility. In my opinion, it’s mainly due to all the features provided by these specifications and frameworks.

My (not only) Tech Library

Picture of Prateek Katyal

Early in my career, when the documentation was not so spread across the Internet, I had to buy and crack open books to learn new things. I stumbled upon of Le Monde en “Tique”, a famous Parisian bookstore getting books of Java EE, XML, or whatever else.

I then realised, even with the number of documentations, articles, videos growing on Internet, I learnt far better new topics reading books.

Mastering Observability: Empowering Developers from Zero to Hero with Spring & the Grafana stack

Picture this: it’s Friday afternoon, and you’re eagerly looking forward to unwinding for the weekend. Suddenly, an Ops engineer alerts you about a critical issue—a stubborn HTTP 500 error that’s causing a major roadblock.

Despite the dedicated efforts of the Ops engineers, the root cause remains elusive due to a lack of contextual information.

Hours pass by, but you take it upon yourself to delve into the problem. Eventually, after reproducing and debugging the issue on your computer, you uncover the issue.

Reflecting on 2023

As we approach 2024, it’s time to cast a professional eye back on 2023.

Throughout the year, I’ve balanced work on a customer project alongside my contributions to the Worldline TechRel1 initiative. Each involvement has fueled the other, offering a reciprocal flow of inspiration. Involvement in real-life projects has often sparked new ideas for talks and topics to delve into. In turn, my experiences in Dev Rel have offered fresh perspectives and external feedback, enriching the implementation process.

Configuring WSL2 for Seamless Compatibility with Rancher Desktop

Just out of curiosity, I downloaded and sat up Rancher Desktop on my laptop.

I daily use Docker and Docker compose on top of WSL2 using home made mechanism/tooling I would then see if Rancher Desktop fits well in this case and could help me.

In this (very short) article, we’ll go over the necessary steps to configure WSL2 Ubuntu virtual machines and Docker with Rancher Desktop.